The Code of the Woosters Pelham Wodehouse

The Code of the Woosters - Pelham Wodehouse
Автор: Вудхаус Пелам Гренвилл
Издательство: Random House, 2017 г.
Редактор-составитель: Птущо Капитон Трофимович
Главный художник: Карнелик Мокей Абрамович
Корректор: Торкиани Михаил Тихонович
Объем: 246
Формат: pdf, txt, fb2

О книге "The Code of the Woosters"
A Jeeves and Wooster novel When Bertie Wooster goes to Totleigh Towers to pour oil on the troubled waters of a lovers' breach between Madeline Bassett and Gussie Fink-Nottle, he isn't expecting to see Aunt Dahlia there - nor to be instructed by her to steal some silver. But purloining the antique cow creamer from under the baleful nose of Sir Watkyn Bassett is the least of Bertie's tasks. He has to restore true love to both Madeline and Gussie and to the Revd 'Stinker' Pinker and Stiffy Byng - and confound the insane ambitions of would-be Dictator Roderick Spode and his Black Shorts. It's a situation that only Jeeves can unravel. Writing at the very height of his powers, in The Code of the Woosters, P.G. Wodehouse delivers what might be the most delightfully funny book ever committed to paper. Читать книгу The Code of the Woosters Pelham Wodehouse.

  • The Code of the Woosters Pelham Wodehouse

  • The Code of the Woosters Pelham Wodehouse
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